4-H members and clubs are recognized at many levels for their achievements each year.  Some awards require applications to be submitted.  Take a few minutes to review the opportunities for awards for both your club and club members.

County Level

  • 4-H Members of Distinction Award This award replaces the former "Honor Member" award.  This award will be presented to each Belmont County 4-H member whose 4-H advisor deems them complete for the 4-H year.  Each member will receive a pin listing their years of completed membership.
  • Blue Ribbon Treasurer's Award This award is given each year to the club treasurer with the best Treasurer Record Book.  The Treasurer Record Book must be turned in by posted date.  The award recipient will receive a $25 cash award.  (Sample score sheet)
  • Blue Ribbon Secretary's Award This award is given each year to the club secretary with the best Secretary Book.  The Secretary Book must be turned in by posted date.  The award recipient will receive a $25 cash award. (Sample score sheet)
  • Blue Ribbon News Reporter's Award This award is given to the club news reporter with the best club scrapbook.  The club scrapbook must be turned in by posted date.  The award recipient will receive a $25 cash award. (Sample score sheet)

County Achievement Awards

County Achievement Awards will be awarded to the 4-H members who are selected for their exemplary achievement in a specific project category.  Simply complete the Ohio 4-H Achievement Record and submit it to the Extension office by posted date.

  • "I Dare You" Award The "I Dare You" Award is given each year to one male and one female 4-H'er who have demonstrated exemplary leadership through their years as a 4-H member.  The recipients, generally in their last few eligible years of 4-H, have shown outstanding qualities of servant leadership through the many avenues 4-H offers its members.  Examples of servant leadership activities include, but are not limited to, camp counselor, junior leaders, junior fair board, CARTEENS, shooting sports, judging teams, 4-H committee membership, state camp attendance, State 4-H Ambassador, and club activities.  No application is necessary for this award.
  • Belmont County 4-H week Window Displays Each club is encouraged to find a business in their local community and decorate a window in the business with a 4-H theme for National and Ohio 4-H Week.  This is a great marketing tool for our county 4-H program.  Belmont County 4-H Week is in February.  Read your Belmont County 4-H Clover Chronicle for specific dates.  Each club participating will receive a $25 cash award from 4-H Council.
  • Ohio 4-H Clubs of Distinction This award replaces the former "Honor Club" award.  Ohio 4-H Clubs of Distinction awards will be awarded to every 4-H club who meets the list of award requirements.  This award encourages all 4-H clubs to meet the same standard of excellence established by the State and National 4-H Offices.  Clubs must complete the Ohio 4-H Clubs of Distinction Application and return it to the Extension Office by posted date, to be considered for this award.
  • Outstanding Project Knowledge (OPK) Awards The Outstanding Project Knowledge Award is awarded to livestock project participants based on their Livestock Skillathon scores.  The top 10% of all youth in a livestock project area, including all 100 point scores, will be awarded an Outstanding Project Knowledge Award.  Participants must have a score of 95 or greater to be eligible.  Only youth who attend pre-judging or regular judging day will be eligible for this award.  Awards will be given in both junior and senior divisions.

State Level

  • Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards These 24 awards recognize a 4-H member's achievements in a specific area.  Areas include: Beef, CARTEENS, Citizenship & Community Service, Clothing & Textiles, Companion Animals, Dairy, Dairy Goat, Environmental Sciences,  Family Life & Child Development, Foods & Nutrition, Gardening & Horticulture, Health & Safety, Horse, Leadership, Mechanical & Engineering Sciences, Meat Goat, Personal Development, Photography, Poultry, Rabbits, Sheep, Shooting Sports, Swine, and Veterinary Science.  Each state achievement award winner will receive a free trip to the National 4-H Congress.  Must be 14 years of age as of January 1, 2013 to apply.  One county winner in each area may be forwarded on for state competition.  Interested applicants must complete the Ohio 4-H Achievement Record and submit it to the Extension office by posted date.
  • Ohio 4-H Scholarships There are several state 4-H scholarships available and each has its own list of eligibility requirements.  The State 4-H Scholarship Application Form gives a complete listing of each scholarship and its requirements.  Complete the State 4-H Scholarship Application.