Ohio Saves

Read the Newsletter

Volume 16, Issue 3 of the American Saver, official newsletter of the America Saves campaign, has been published.


Partner Resource Packet

Want to share savings messages?

Our Partner Resources Packets include a guest post, social media content, and more.

Current Theme: Tax Time Preparedness and Planning


Tip of the Day

  • Do you need to file a tax return in 2017? This #BetterMoneyHabits video can help you find out: http://bit.ly/2hU8smo


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Saver Stories View all »

Starting Over

Until last summer, Michael Lindman spent money freely. “I was a union truck driver for 35 years and had a good income,” said Lindman. “I owned my own home, saved a little, and tried to live within my own budget. You always think there’s going to be that much coming in, but things can change in a split second.”

Taking Back Control Over Finances

After becoming a Virginia Saver and getting help from BankOn classes and coaching, Nadine Bialo took back control over her financial affairs.

Saving Early: Key to Successful Future

For Johnnie Lovett, a Young Illinois Saver, saving has been a habit since he was a teenager. “As a teenager, I was responsible for buying certain things with my allowance,”